Monday, February 4, 2008

Auditions for Dancing in the streets, Ithaca, New York

Belief in yourself is the key requirement in producing your own sound and then taking the next step in forming your own band.
What this audition process allows you to try out both your new sound, or traditions dance music and have your band have a place in which it can likewise rehearse - but interacting - which is very important - with a very active groups of dancers at the sametime.
Here on on the Ithaca Commons is the focus in which you can explore, while giving your fellow bands members the additional public opennings to be known necessary for their musical development.
It all goes on every Tuesdays - when the weather permits - from 7:00 to 10:00 PM and the time in which it starts will be posted soon!
You do not have to be from around the Ithaca area. All you need is willingness.

Please email :
or call 607 - 279 - 9945

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